Quantifying, Understanding and Enhancing Relational Continuity
of Care

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research describes an active partnership between researchers, patients and members of the public. It means we work collaboratively as equal partners in the research process listening to each other and aiming toward the improvement of health services for all.


When using the term patients and the publicwe include anyone who uses health and social care services, all members of the public who are the potential users of health and social care services, and people from organisations that represent people who use these services.


The QUERCC research project has worked with patients and members of the public at all stages of the research process to date. We held workshops to discuss the initial idea before we started the research study and have clear plans to make sure that the ways we carry out and communicate our research has input from members of the public. Since the study began to collect data in 2023, we have invited our PPI members to comment and review study documents and to engage in the research process. We also have clear plans to engage our PPI members in the review and interpretation of findings.


By working in this way, we can make sure that our work is relevant to the needs of all members of the public and patients who use services, has real impact, and brings about better healthcare outcomes for all.

About QUERCC PPI and Patient Advisory Group


  • QUERCC has three PPI members and a Patient Advisory Group (PAG) made up of five members.Our PAG and PPI members include a diverse mix of people in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, geography, socioeconomic status.
  • PPI and PAG involvement are supported and coordinated by the research team in partnership with the PPI lead.
  • The PPI lead and PPI members regularly attend monthly project management meetings and report to the PAG which meets every three months.
  • PAG’s role is to ensure the patient’s voice is listened to across the research process.
  • Input from our PPI members and PAG helps us to listen to and serve the full, diverse patient community. Working in partnership with research staff they guide and influence the development and delivery of the research.
  • Our PPI members are also active in supporting our work through input into study documentation.
  • The PAG group also alert the core research team to potential problems or concerns and help to promote the QUERCC study and its aims to the wider community.

Recent key contributions of PPI and PAG to the study


  • Working with the research team to develop an invite letter for patients for use during recruitment of patients to case study sites.
  • Reviewing text to check for ease of reading for inclusion on our study website.
  • Reviewing and commenting on plans for a workshop involving patients and health care professionals.
  • Taking part in a data collection workshop as observers to ensure that any issues of concern to patients were not missed.

The key skills and requirements of our PPI and PAG group members are:


  • Expertise and lived experience relevant to continuity of care.
  • Availability to attend four PAG meetings a year held virtually and additional sub meetings for input into projects and workstreams as required.
  • Willingness to maintain confidentiality about topics involving patients and personal data at all times.
  • To be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement as required.

How QUERCC works to support PPI and PAG members


  • Provide training if required to ensure that PPI and PAG members can contribute and understand data collected (e.g. training in basic health economics).
  • Provide opportunities to work with research staff to review data collected in workshops and interviews.
  • Support PPI and PAG interest in and engagement with wider sources of research material to allow their full participation in the research process.

If you are interested in learning more about the QUERCC study or want any more information about our PPI and PAG please contact the study coordinator Dr Fiona Scheibl by email: [email protected]

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